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Please provide us with a few simple details about you and your property. This helps us to best prepare the listing documentation. Don’t worry if you’re unsure of any of the answers. Just complete as much as you can and we can run through the rest when we catch up.

    Primary Contact Person (required)

    Secondary Contact Person (optional)

    Are you GST registered in respect of this property sale? (leave blank if unsure)

    Chattels Included in Sale (required; tick all that apply)

    Chattel Faults (required; Any chattels not working or needing repair?)

    Property Defects (required; Are you aware of any defects with the property?)

    Do you have keys to all exterior doors of the property? (required)


    Your Real Estate licensed under the REAA 2008

    Email -

    Phone - 07-548 1617

    Office - The Village, 97 Hamurana Road Ōmokoroa