Brand new tenanted investment in Omokoroa

TheVillage D3 - 97 Hamurana Road, Omokoroa Bay of Plenty 3114, NZ
Price by Negotiation

An excellent opportunity to secure a commanding position in the newly constructed Village on the popular Omokoroa peninsular. The aesthetic and specification of these buildings are excellent quality and designed to impress. A-grade Seismic rating and low risk tilt slab construction so you can buy with confidence here.

Tenancy D3 : Omokoroa Pet Vets
Initial Six (6) year lease term
Right of renewal two (2) of six (6) years each
Rent Review: Base rent shall be reviewed to the higher of CPI +2% or market review every two(2) years
An extensive information pack is available, please contact Rachel on 021513189 or

Key Dates & Times

by appointment

Property Files


TheVillage / D3 - 97 Hamurana Road, Omokoroa, Western Bay Of Plenty, Bay of Plenty 3114

Rachel, Reuben & Emma

Rachel, Reuben & Emma

07 5481617


Your Real Estate licensed under the REAA 2008

Email -

Phone - 07-548 1617

Office - The Village, 97 Hamurana Road Ōmokoroa